Sunday, September 14, 2008

The purposeful blogger

I am torn trying to decide WHO exactly I am blogging for.

Initially the idea of the blog was to upload pictures/photos and info on our travels so that people and family at home could read about our adventures.

However, thinking about it, I realised that if I am blogging for family I will have to censor my posts. Can't have them knowing how I really think/feel/behave.

If I am not blogging for family I have more freedom in what I write, but nowhere to direct the folks at home for updates and photos when our travels actually start, thus defeating the original purpose of the blog...yet I don't want to write if I have to censor myself.

Perhaps when I am 5000 miles away from my family I will feel more comfortable with who I am and not care about what they think when reading my thoughts and adventures??

Yeah, right.

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