Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Working 9 to 5...

Okay, I'm not. I have a toddler and I am studying - I work part-time. Or at least I did, but the organisation I work for have let the program slide into ill repute so only one group booked for this term. I am on the move, anyhow, and recently sent off my CV to a few English language schools on the coast. I have not finished the Cert IV yet (that would be a miracle!) but hoping my existing teaching quals will help out.

I really want to get some experience before I go overseas, plus now that I'm getting into the workbook I'm so keen to get into a classroom and try things out...

Plus I need the money. Starting to freak out as the days count down to January and I am still on the poverty line.

Wrote off to Select Education (aka Teach Anywhere) but they are the strangest teacher recruitment agency in the world. They flood me with mailers and poorly punctuated/spelt/grammartised emails about teaching positions all over the world but will not respond to direct questions. Hopefully they are not like Smart Teachers, who would also bombard me with job lists, then refuse to respond to my applications and subsequent emails wondering if they even got them, and further emails asking if there was a reason I was not being considered...

English teacher for sale!


Michael Matejka said...

there's no way to email you! so i'll do it this way. (i'm i saw your comment on prague blog--it made me smile the way you came out and said you're a conspiracy theorist. i always take a very long time to explain that i'm NOT a conspiracy theorist before i bring up all the conspiracy theories I think about. :) anyway, it seems we're more kindred spirits than I thought. It's really nice to meet you, Renee.

saoghalbeag said...

hmm, I hadn't realised about the email. Have to admit the trickier aspects of blogging still elude me...

Conspiracy theories seem to come naturally - my mum is to blame for that (and all the wild books I used to 'borrow' from her bedside table!). Some of them are so much a part of my world-bubble that I can be shocked when somebody does not see it that way! And sometimes it makes it a little hard to get enthused about things like elections and politics - they're all rigged anyway aren't they? And the candidates all become puppets despite their initial intentions...:) and don't get me STARTED on the stockmarket crash...

Anyway...this would make a good blog post so I shouldn't give everything away! I - I tend to enjoy my theories in secret most of the time - people can get quite angry about it all!

A librarian! I've wanted to be one for ages - kept thinking about taking Information Management or variations for my Masters but like you said - a topic might keep me interested but not improve my work or earning prospects...and in all the wondering what I should do that would achieve the latter, a couple of years pass...dammit!

The Tesol thing really jumped out at me all of a sudden and for the life of me I can't imagine why I did not do it sooner (or INSTEAD of the original Bach. Ed!)

Happy travels!

saoghalbeag said...

Probably should've posted that on YOUR blog, not mine...