Sunday, April 12, 2009

In the midst of study

a picture I found after googling "mad librarian"...:)
It resembles my current state of mind as I am in the middle of assignments...just got my 2nd one finished at the end of last week (already late as I'd had my computer die the week before). I went to submit it electronically, only to discover that my perception that an online course would involve online submission of assignments was a product of my imagination - they still have to be posted! Of course it was right before Good Friday and Easter Monday public holiday so all that furious last minute scribbling and the dratted thing is STILL sitting here with me!

cast of the ABC series "The Librarians"
Two of my other assignments are meant to be uploaded to a wiki/blog/website. Group work can be a pain but it is still infinitely more absorbing than typing 2000 words about something someone else said. I have been spending a bit of time reacquainting myself with Twitter and setting up a ning group for the Master of Ed (Teacher-Librarian) students - trying to get a few more together for study sessions and to discuss assignments. So far Krista and I seem to be the only ones foolish enough to study full-time so perhaps that's why we're so panicked (well, I am at least!) about assignments and keen to chat to others about it.
Here is the ning group. So far there are just 3 of us, but I know the rest of the class are just dying to be in our gang and will join soon...:P
And here is my plan for getting through the rest of the course:

What do you mean, how is that a plan? An army of highly trained, highly literate kittens, who will be able to research and put together dazzling professional critiques??

Hahaha, funny how stress is already in my list of tags!

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